The benefit relationship between the benefits that an insurer pays for policy block and the premiums that the insurer has received from said policies.
Archives: Glossary Terms
It refers to an unforeseen, unexpected, and unintentional external event that causes an injury.
Hospital intensive care unit
A specialized area separate from the surgical recovery area, the operating room, and other rooms habitually used for inpatient confinement to treat patients with severe conditions. Additionally, the unit must be under constant supervision of specialized intensive care nurses exclusively assigned to this unit, and must include sophisticated equipment for the patient’s treatment and recovery. This unit must be under the direct professional supervision or direction of a full-time physician or permanent intensive care committee composed of physicians.
Tuberculosis (TBC)
A bacterial disease that usually affects the lungs (pulmonary TBC). Other parts of the body may be affected, such as the lymph nodes, kidneys, bones, joints, etc. Tuberculosis is transmitted through the air, when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
The person or company that owns the policy.
Active work or actively-at-work
It means that an employee’s tasks and functions are being fully executed at their workplace.
Main Sum
The sum indicated in the space entitled “Main Sum” in the Policy Benefits and Premiums Table.
Form that an individual or entity must complete in order to acquire an insurance coverage.
The person or company applying for an insurance policy.
Reye’s syndrome
A serious disorder that causes an increase of brain pressure and fat accumulation in the liver and other organs. It affects all the organs of the body, but is most harmful to the brain and liver. It mainly occurs in children, with more frequency during recovery from a viral infection.