Fast, easy protection from day one

What is it?
A Simplified Issue Policy is a life insurance with a very simple evaluation process. You only need to answer some questions about your health to know if you qualify and don’t require undergoing a medical exam.

For whom?
This insurance offers life coverage options:
- 0 to 65 years from $5,000 to $100,000
- 0 to 85 years from $5,000 to $50,000
Why should you consider a Simplified Issue Policy?

- The coverage chosen is available from day one, while the policy is in force
- Evaluation is simple
- The premiums are scaled up to 100 years
In addition, the benefits of this policy are protected against lawsuits and creditors, and it is also tax-free for its beneficiaries.

Do I qualify for this policy?
Select Yes or No for each question:
The information described here is a brief summary of the policy.
The specific details including conditions, limitations and exclusions that apply to this insurance are set out in the policy.