Pre-existing condition

(1) Condition in which a person has received medical treatment for existing conditions before the date on which the coverage has come into force. (2) under the majority of individual health insurance policies, an injury that occurred or a disease that appeared or manifested for the first time within a specific period—usually two years—before issuance of the policy and which was not revealed in the application.

Disability income coverage

It grants income replacement benefits to an insured that is disabled to work due to a disease or injury.

Long-term disability income coverage

Collective or group disability income coverage that stipulates a maximum benefit period higher than a year. The maximum benefit period is usually extended to the insured’s normal retirement age or up to the age of 70.

Additional accelerated death benefit clauses

Clauses that stipulate that a policyholder and insured person may choose between receiving the entirety or part of the policy death benefit before their death, after certain conditions are met.

Actively-at-work clause

Collective or group insurance clause that requires that, in order to be eligible for coverage, the employee must be working actively and productively—they cannot be sick or in leave—the day the coverage comes into force.

Excess insurance clause

An individual health insurance policy clause that aims to prevent an insured from obtaining advantages from a disease or injury.

Free look clause

Free examination clause that grants a policyholder a specified period of time—usually ten days—after the policy has been delivered, to examine the policy.

Withdrawal clause

It grants the contract holder the right to withdraw the entirety or part of the accumulated value of the life annuity or annuity during the accumulation period.