We offer full level term life insurances of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 years in which the insurance amount and the premiums you pay remain the same during the entire coverage period. An important term insurance benefit is that it includes the automatic renewal privilege without having to present medical evidence upon renewal.

It also includes the conversion privilege which allows you to change your term insurance policy to any value accumulation policy that Triple-S Vida may have before age 75, without having to present evidence that you remain insurable.


Optional supplements for this type of insurance

Waiver of Premium Payments Due to Disability

Accidental Death

Additional Insured Coverage

Coverage for Children

Disability Income Protection Coverage

Return of Premium Rider

Accelerated Life Benefit

Accelerated Benefit

First Cancer Diagnosis

First Heart Attack Diagnosis and First Major Heart Surgery

The information provided here is a brief summary of the policy. The specific details, including conditions, limitations, and exclusions that apply to this insurance are stated in the policy.

I am interested in more information


Amount paid in claims for December 2024: $7,233,938.03.


People we have helped in their battle against cancer: 184,745.

Need to talk to us?

Leave your information if you wish to be contacted directly by one of our representatives. You’ll receive a call within the next 24 hours (or the next working day) to answer your questions. A representative can help you:

  • Answer any question you may have
  • Schedule an appointment to visit your home or office
  • Help you sign up for our health plans
