Triple Protección Dorada Plus – EN
La póliza Triple Protección Dorada Plus, un seguro de Cáncer y Enfermedades Temidas que te ayuda a cubrir aquellos costos relacionados con el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad, con más de 30 beneficios y servicios, pudiendo ampliar esta cubierta con 8 endosos disponibles para ti.

Amount paid in claims for February 2025: $7,930.969.68.

People we have helped in their battle against cancer: 187,358.
Need to talk to us?
Leave your information if you wish to be contacted directly by one of our representatives. You’ll receive a call within the next 24 hours (or the next working day) to answer your questions. A representative can help you:
- Answer any question you may have
- Schedule an appointment to visit your home or office
- Help you sign up for our health plans